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Nadia Axel Profile Picture
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Om mig

Jeg er freelance illustrator og kreativ influent bosat i hovedstadsområdet.


Mit tidlige arbejde blev påvirket meget af japansk popkultur, som jeg i en ung alder opdagede gennem tegneserier. I de senere år har jeg været meget opmærksom på, og nysgerrig om retningen på min stil, og derfor har jeg udviklet flere tegningstilarter, som jeg kan skifte mellem afhængigt af den type arbejde, jeg udfører, eller det humør, jeg er i.


Min styrke ligger i at tegne kvindelige karakterer, især kombineret med fantasy eller sci-fi-temaer.


Ligeså meget som jeg elsker at lære nye ting og udvikle mig, kan jeg ikke vente med at at dele min viden og oplevelser med andre. Derfor fortæller jeg min historie gennem en Youtube-kanal, hvor jeg deler optagelser af mine tegninger, tutorials og generelle tanker om livet som selvstændig kunstner. Jeg kan simpelthen ikke lade være - jeg er en kunstner og en entertainer!

I have always had a "secret" passion for video creation. Since I was young I was always obsessed with video cameras and creating narratives. Back in 2015, I tried, for the first time, combining illustrations with the video format and uploaded my very first drawing time-lapse on Youtube. By combining drawing and video, I found the perfect formula that would allow me to express myself. Today my Youtube community has grown to over 300.000 subscribers who love art (probably) as much as I do.​

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As an artist who is 100% self-taught, I cannot even start to express my gratitude towards all the experienced artists who uploaded drawing tutorials in the very early years of Youtube. As I grew into a competent digital artist and my skills developed, I took it upon myself to help other aspiring digital artists get started on their journey. I want to contribute to the art community with guides and tutorials so I'm sure that the next generation of digital artists knows where and how to start their journey.


Just Damned Business

Even if you've only seen a fraction of my content, you'll know that I love demon characters. My favorite original characters have a comic of their own called Just Damned Business and you can read it right here on my website, or enjoy the vertical format over on WEBTOON.

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